Bingo Caller Deluxe installs a bingo game onto your Android Device that lets you select whether youre the Caller, or a Player of up to 3 game cards. The person who is selected as "The Bingo Caller" configures their Bingo Caller Deluxe app as the caller who controls the Flashboard, tracking which balls have been called. Other people will configure their Bingo Complete app as a player with the choice of 1, 2 or 3 player game cards. The Flashboard can be displayed to the audience using a USB projector or a Chromecast device. Best of all, Bingo Caller Deluxe is easy to use!The Bingo Caller can:- Let the Bingo Caller Deluxe app randomly select numbers - highlighting and displaying numbers on demand, eliminating the ball cage.- Or manually control the flashboard by tapping numbers to highlight and display the numbers you draw from an old-fashioned ball cage (if you prefer).- Display the caller flashboard in a potrait or landscape layout. Once a ball is selected the display will not be allowed to rotate until a new game is started. - The caller can play audio feedback that mimics the sound of a real ball cage spinning as balls are being randomly selected, with 3 different sound profiles in setup.- The app can announce ball numbers with a generated voice in one of 16 languages. (The ball callout will be translated to the selected language, but not the displayed text or other voice messages) Players can:- Select 1, 2 or 3 game cards.- Display the player game cards in a portrait or landscape layout.- Can select between 15 different games where Bingo Caller Deluxe will automatically announce winners. The supported games include: Single Row, Adjacent Outer Rows Outer Edge Four Corners Full House (Blackout) Single Postage Stamp Double Postage Stamp Triple Postage Stamp Four Leaf Clover Railroad Tracks Plus Sign Cross Lucky 7 Love Letter ManualFree-Form (to support other game types)- Note that the app audibly and visually reports when a user has won, and when the player is given a new set of game cards. - Until a player presses a card ball number they can rotate the screen between Portrait and Landscape, however, the game card will select and announce new card numbers at each rotation until a ball number has been pressed.The numbers selected automatically on the callers flashboard and on each player card are randomly selected with a high degree of randomness. The voice in Please note that Bingo Caller Deluxe is not a fully-localized app. Text will always be displayed in English and most words will be spoken in English, but with an accent based on the language youve selected thanks to the language limitations of Android and the configuration of your device. Only the ball numbers being called-out will be reliably translated.